I Automated Weekly Updates w/ Slack Bot

Save yourself time (and save your sanity) by automating weekly metric update messages to your co-workers. In this video, you'll learn how to make a Slackbot that pulls data from your Google Sheet and sends it out as a curated and stylized message to anyone of your choice through Slack, as a direct message or group message. After this video, you'll be able to take time off with peace of mind.

The first set of code is our requestSlack() function:

function requestSlack(method, endpoint, params) { const base_url = "https://slack.com/api/" const headers = { 'Authorization': "Bearer " + YOUR_BOT_OAUTH_TOKEN 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } const options = { headers: headers, method: method } let request_url if (method == "POST") { request_url = base_url + endpoint options.payload = JSON.stringify(params) } else { request_url = base_url + endpoint + params } const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(request_url, options).getContentText(); const json = JSON.parse(response); return { response_code: json.ok, response_data: json } }

From there, we start writing our weeklyMetricsSlackNotificationJob() function:

function weeklyMetricsSlackNotificationJob() { let user_request = requestSlack("GET", "users.lookupByEmail", "?email=email@email.com") console.log(`user: ${user_request.response_data}`) let user_id = user_request.response_data.user.id let conversationsOpen_payload = { users: user_id } let conversation_request = requestSlack("POST", "conversations.open", conversationsOpen_payload) let conversation_id = conversation_request.response_data.channel.id let postMessage_payload = { text: `TEST`, channel: conversation_id } let post_message_request = requestSlack("POST", "chat.postMessage", postMessage_payload) }

To grab the metrics from our Google Sheet, we'll need the getLatestMetrics() function and also the sumSheetValues() function.

function getLatestMetrics(){ const ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(YOUR_SPREADSHEET_ID) const sheet = ss.getSheetByName(YOUR_SHEET_NAME) const latest_metrics = sheet.getRange(6,1,8,7).getValues(); const metric_deltas = sheet.getRange(2,4,2,4).getValues(); const metric_array_positions = { queries: 3, first_page: 4, impressions: 5, clicks: 6 } const metrics = { period: { week: { start: Utilities.formatDate(latest_metrics[0][1],"EST", "yyyy-MM-dd"), end: Utilities.formatDate(latest_metrics[0][2],"EST", "yyyy-MM-dd") }, month: { start: Utilities.formatDate(latest_metrics[3][1],"EST", "yyyy-MM-dd"), end: Utilities.formatDate(latest_metrics[0][2],"EST", "yyyy-MM-dd") } }, queries: { this_week: latest_metrics[0][metric_array_positions.queries], last_week: latest_metrics[1][metric_array_positions.queries], this_month: sumSheetValues(latest_metrics, 0, 3, metric_array_positions.queries), last_month: sumSheetValues(latest_metrics, 4, 7, metric_array_positions.queries), wow_delta: Math.round(metric_deltas[0][0]*100) + '%', mom_delta: Math.round(metric_deltas[1][0]*100) + '%' }, first_page: { this_week: latest_metrics[0][metric_array_positions.first_page], last_week: latest_metrics[1][metric_array_positions.first_page], this_month: sumSheetValues(latest_metrics, 0, 3, metric_array_positions.first_page), last_month: sumSheetValues(latest_metrics, 4, 7, metric_array_positions.first_page), wow_delta: Math.round(metric_deltas[0][1]*100) + '%', mom_delta: Math.round(metric_deltas[1][1]*100) + '%' }, impressions: { this_week: latest_metrics[0][metric_array_positions.impressions], last_week: latest_metrics[1][metric_array_positions.impressions], this_month: sumSheetValues(latest_metrics, 0, 3, metric_array_positions.impressions), last_month: sumSheetValues(latest_metrics, 4, 7, metric_array_positions.impressions), wow_delta: Math.round(metric_deltas[0][2]*100) + '%', mom_delta: Math.round(metric_deltas[1][2]*100) + '%' }, clicks: { this_week: latest_metrics[0][metric_array_positions.clicks], last_week: latest_metrics[1][metric_array_positions.clicks], this_month: sumSheetValues(latest_metrics, 0, 3, metric_array_positions.clicks), last_month: sumSheetValues(latest_metrics, 4, 7, metric_array_positions.clicks), wow_delta: Math.round(metric_deltas[0][3]*100) + '%', mom_delta: Math.round(metric_deltas[1][3]*100) + '%' } } return metrics } function sumSheetValues(data, array_row_start, array_row_end, array_column) { let result = 0 for(let i = array_row_start; i <= array_row_end; i++) { result += data[i][array_column] } return result }

Here's a sample Spreadsheet with data in the right cells that'll let you test out the script: Link to Google Sheet

Now that we have both of those, the final version of your weeklyMetricsSlackNotificationJob() function should look like this:

function weeklyMetricsSlackNotificationJob() { let user_request = requestSlack("GET", "users.lookupByEmail", "?email=email@email.com") console.log(`user: ${user_request.response_data}`) let user_id = user_request.response_data.user.id let conversationsOpen_payload = { users: [user_id, "user_id2", "user_id3"] } let conversation_request = requestSlack("POST", "conversations.open", conversationsOpen_payload) let conversation_id = conversation_request.response_data.channel.id let metrics = getLatestMetrics(); let postMessage_payload = { text: `*Metrics Update* \n *_Weekly_* _(${metrics.period.week.start} - ${metrics.period.week.end})_` + `\n- Queries: ${metrics.queries.this_week} (${metrics.queries.wow_delta})` + `\n- First Page: ${metrics.first_page.this_week} (${metrics.first_page.wow_delta})` + `\n- Impressions: ${metrics.impressions.this_week} (${metrics.impressions.wow_delta})` + `\n- Clicks: ${metrics.clicks.this_week} (${metrics.clicks.wow_delta})` + `\n \n *_Monthly_* _(${metrics.period.month.start} - ${metrics.period.month.end})_` + `\n- Queries: ${metrics.queries.this_month} (${metrics.queries.mom_delta})` + `\n- First Page: ${metrics.first_page.this_month} (${metrics.first_page.mom_delta})` + `\n- Impressions: ${metrics.impressions.this_month} (${metrics.impressions.mom_delta})` + `\n- Clicks: ${metrics.clicks.this_month} (${metrics.clicks.mom_delta})` , channel: conversation_id } let post_message_request = requestSlack("POST", "chat.postMessage", postMessage_payload) }

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